Calling In The One

About the Author

The 'Calling In The One' coaching program was created in 2004 by Katherine Woodward Thomas, an internationally recognized transformational teacher, a licensed marriage & family therapist and the author of bestselling books Calling In 'The One', 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life, and Conscious Uncoupling, 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After.

Since then the program has helped thousands of people around the globe to clear away any obstacles that have been holding them back from love, become liberated from repeating self-sabotaging patterns, and create the happy, healthy loving relationship they longed for.

What to Expect

This program is deeply transformational. It provides a safe, non-judgmental space, where you will be able to look inside, uncover any hidden barriers to love and awaken your true self, the centre of your strength, wisdom, worthiness, and love.


The basic principles or premises of the Calling In The One approach are an expression of the belief that every human being is infinitely creative and has the ability to evolve beyond what they have known themselves to be, thus changing their life, relationships and the world.  

Premise # 1

Life is an ever-emerging creative process. Our thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, choices, actions and words are the tools we use to invent our experiences and our circumstances.

Premise # 2

We have the ability to create circumstances and opportunities in our lives by setting clear intentions, and by committing to and living in alignment with these intentions.

Premise # 3

When we alter our relationships with ourselves, the externals of our lives will organically alter accordingly.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it, and embrace them.
= Rumi =

7 Steps of the Process

Step One ... Preparing for Love

In Step One, you begin preparing for the love you are inviting into your life. To start, you will create your Intention for happy, healthy love. This intention will serve as your North Star for the duration of the course and beyond. 

To open a sense of possibility around your intention you must be willing to discover yourself as the source of your disappointing experiences in love thus far. For once you understand that your disappointing patterns in love have been happening through you rather than just to you, you awaken to the power you hold to create a new story in love.

Step Two ... Completing The Past

In Step Two, you are given the opportunity to clear away your inner obstacles to love that have to do with the unfinished business of your past. Habitual toxic relational dynamics, old agreements that no longer serve you and/or resentments that have been weighing you down. 

For in order to create the unprecedented and unpredictable experience of happy, healthy love, you will need all of your energies aligned with this future, so that you are congruent with the vision you are standing to create.

Step Three ... Healing Core Wounds

In Step Three, you will identify your "Love Identity" core beliefs, and begin to see the subtle ways in which you have been relating that have unconsciously been causing you to validate these beliefs over and over again. 

You will challenge those false beliefs and awaken to the truth of your worthiness to love and be loved, and to your power to create a happier experience of love moving forward. 

The Calling In The One program offers a safe and supportive space to explore these topics.

Step Four ... Setting the Course

In Step Four, you are finally free from your inner obstacles to love and available to create the relationship of your dreams. To this aim, you will revisit and up-level your intention to reflect what you now can see is truly possible for you to have. 

You will begin deepening into your vision of love fulfilled and learn to navigate your way to this future through the use of your intuitive knowing and taking full responsibility for everything that goes on in your life. This may seem daunting or impossible, but you will begin to discover that it is the path to liberation from any form of victimization whether by our circumstances, our past, or other people.

And remember, we have amazing and effective tools at hand - our thoughts, intuition, choices we make and actions we take. Because being liberated means having the freedom of choice. And in this step, a field of unlimited possibilities will begin to open in front of you.

Step Five ... First Things First

In Step Five, you will awaken to a deeper level of self-love as the foundation for loving another. You will be given the opportunity to make a commitment to love and honour yourself as part of readying yourself to receive a commitment from your beloved. You will also discover why keeping your first attention on yourself will actually increase your chances for happy, healthy love. 

And finally, you will reclaim your sensuality and awaken to greater levels of love for your physical self, as preparation for receiving your beloved into your heart and into your bed, re-connecting with your body as your ally in terms of self-awareness, intuition, and healing.

Step Six ... A Life Worth Living

In Step Six, you will cultivate a greater sense of happiness in your life as the foundation for creating a happy, healthy loving relationship. You will continue aligning your life with the future you are committed to creating, and transform any core beliefs you may still have about others that are getting in the way of you showing up fully in your radiance and power.

You will identify new ways of relating and relational skills that you may now need to cultivate to foster closeness in relationships including honesty and vulnerability. These will also allow you to discern whether or not a relationship has the potent

Step Seven ... Living Love Fulfilled

In Step Seven, you will harness the fruit of the previous weeks' work, and learn to become unstoppable on your journey to love. You will be discovering and trying on new ways of being and begin relating to all obstacles, setbacks, disappointments and delays as opportunities to grow into a more mature, integrated and powerfully loving version of yourself in service to preparing to receive a truly fulfilling relationship into your life. 

Finally, you will look at all that this process has taught you and how it has impacted your sense of who you are, and consider the structures that you may need to create in your life to further support you on your journey, to hold you accountable, to inspire you, to encourage you.

If this has resonated with you and you'd like to learn more, book a free introductory call with me.

We can discuss what you are struggling with, what you need and other practicalities to help you decide whether the Calling In The One program is right for you. 

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